NEWS… Announcing the Jeff Goldblum Blogathon



So announcing a long awaited, Blogathon tribute to Jeff Goldblum…


With a joint blogathon collaboration with one of Jeff’s greatest fans, the lovely  Emma K Wall.


Jeff Goldblum – Top 30 Highest Rated Movies, Top 10 Charts


In the late 1980s, I first watched Jeff Goldblum on TV in The Big Chill (1983), a comedy drama movie. Goldblum stars with a 1980s dream ensemble cast and plot for those who graduated before the Brat Pack. The Big Chill‘s cast includes Tom Berenger, William Hurt, Kevin Kline, Glenn Close, Meg Tilly and Jobeth Williams.

Goldblum played a journalist who reunited with his old friends from his university days at a friend’s funeral. The friends all hanging out at a friend’s house reminisce, rebond and some find unexpected love.

Not much later, I spotted him at the cinema in a Richard Curtis comedy movie The Tall Guy (1989). Here Goldblum played an unsuccessful American actor who falls for a nurse. This is a boy meets girl film where an unsuccessful actor meets a nurse, unsuccessful actor sleeps with nurse, unsuccessful actor dates nurse, actor becomes successful in The Elephant Man musical and the rest is probably as you predicted.

Both times Goldblum made an impact on me, with his unconventional quirky looks combined with his unique gangly and geeky way of being. After the recent demise of the Groovy Goldblumers Friday Follow Twitter tag, it now seems only right to reignite that torch and celebrate all things, Jeff Goldblum.

I’m now officially inviting you to the Jeff Goldblum Blogathon which will be held on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August 2019. As ALL JEFF GOLDBLUM BLOGATHON ENTRANTS… Due to popular demand, Emma and I are running this event for one extra day!

With the final day for any late-comers due to time differences, illness or just wanting to be fashionably late. My wonderful co-host is (and only could be) Emma K Wall, aka Emma Wall Explains it all.

You are welcome to review anything about this talented man in his work as an actor, and musician in any of his on-screen performances.


Jeff Goldblum’s filmographies are found here…

CLICK HERE for a link to his Wikipedia page…

HERE is a link to my Who’s Doing What page.. where I – as always – list all the bloggers and their review topics.

There’s a link HERE to Emma’s page on this wonderful event… and here’s the Who’s Doing What HERE to be doubly sure your review choice is available…


Our choices of movies are…

Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews... Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

Emma from Emma K Wall, Explains it All Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom (2018) and a possible post on his scientist roles.


The all-important rules…

Love you lovely lot of film bloggers to join me….or anyone else who wants to tribute Jeff Goldblum.

  1. You can review ANY of his films or TV shows.
  2. We will allow just two duplicates for each topic, movie or TV Show and up to three different entries.
  3. Review choices can be added as a comment on this page or you can contact me on my Contact Me page  – either way please add the name and URL of your blog along with your movie or TV choice. Or you can send me a Direct Message on Twitter.
  4.  I won’t accept posts that are uncomplimentary or disrespectful to Jeff Goldblum or his work.
  5. Add your Twitter handle so I can promote your post.
  6. You can not use previously published posts or reviews.
  7. You can also add podcasts on him or his work but only if you send me the podcast link through my Contact Me page.
  8. A full list of blogs, podcasters and review choices will be posted on a separate page and updated regularly.
  9. Send your link to your post/podcast/video to me on the days of the blogathon.
  10. Note we will be publishing all the links on both of our sites.


Here are those banners (as made by my lovely co-host Emma’s fair hand…)


Tune in August for the first of these posts… but if you are impatient and want to join a blogathon now then there’s still time to enter my Second Hammer and Amicus blogathon with Cinematic Catharsis with all those details HERE...

51 thoughts on “NEWS… Announcing the Jeff Goldblum Blogathon

  1. Won’t be joining this one, but it sounds really interesting.

    Hint, hint… if you’re looking for an interestingly different Goldblum topic, try his stint on Law&Order: Criminal Intent. Love that show and he had some really intense episodes there.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Gill! Sorry for the late reply! Summer has kept me busy! Is it alright if I do an “essence of Jeff” so to speak. The more I see Jeff Goldblum the more I see him as a ‘meme’ so to speak. This isn’t to be disrespectful, more so….nowadays Jeff isn’t necessarily known for his song anymore.

    I’d like to discuss how and why it got to this point, and how Jeff has made the most of it. (I.e: commercials, talk show appearances, etc.)

    Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mrs. J-Dub is a major Jeff Goldblum fan, so I probably have to join this blog-a-thon or I may be in a bit of difficulty. So, if you don’t let me do 1983’s “The Right Stuff” I may need to sleep on your couch for a few days.

    Be warned, I’m a frightfully large man who snores like a congested grizzly bear, so keep that in mind 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I would like to write on his role in Thor: Ragnarock, and Transylvania 6500 and would love to record a podcast episode on Jeff Goldblum for Cinema Recall podcast. Looking for guests.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a good idea for a blogathon! I saw Jurassic Park for the first time last year (yes, you read that right) and I reviewed the film on my blog as well. When I saw the movie, Dr. Ian Malcolm instantly became one of my new favorite characters! May I write a list of reasons why he’s my favorite character from Jurassic Park?

    Liked by 1 person

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