NEWS… Recap and Headlining Names in the It’s In the Name of the Title Blogathon



It’s a blogathon goodbye from Bernie and us after this final post…


It’s the final posts and a recap of those titular names and amazing reads.



I am officially now ending the blogathon fun here at Realweegiemidget Reviews and it’s also just ended at my co-host’s place at Taking Up Room HERE. This is the unofficial last post, but an official recap from me which wants to thank the 25 bloggers (not including today’s 5 entries (at the time of writing) and 191 readers (so far) for joining these sum-up posts in the last three days.

If all of you readers clicked on three posts then that’s 573 reads and these stats don’t include those stats for my co-host’s pages… I am guessing that’s well over 1000 reads. Wow! Thanks for reading – and commenting on these reviews – you’ve made some bloggers really happy, that their work has reached you wherever you are in the world.

My co-host and I have had a staggering response from bloggers where we had 30 bloggers (including those for today, so far… with two to come). I’d like to thank each and every blogger for not just joining but for adding so many wonderful reads, and for your enthusiasm and love for those movie and TV choices.

But having read these posts, I can guarantee so many, many good reads with posts from Annie (1982) to Maude’s Naughty Little Brother; aka Wouldn’t It Jar You, Wouldn’t It Jar You (1900) and the Hamish MacBeth (1995-97) TV Series to The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)…

Films and TV have featured an array of titles with familiar and much-loved acting names such as Joan Crawford, Paul Newman, Kathleen Turner and Ginger Rogers. We’ve had reviews on entertainment content from many decades going back as far as 1900 and as recent as 2023.

Names (so far) in those titles are listed below… and remember to check out those 3 blogathon pages to find these reviews!

For actresses and actors with two forenames, we had… Susan George and Edward Albert in The House Where Evil Dwells (1982).

Full names in titles… The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1939), Hamish MacBeth (1995-97) TV Series. The Story of Molly X  (1949), Alice Adams (1935), Kitty Foyle (1940), The File on Thelma Jordan (1949), Harriet Craig (1950) and Bela Lugosi Meets A Brooklyn Gorilla (1952).

And more… Myra Breckinridge (1970), Elmer Gentry (1960), Johnny Eager (1942), 2 versions of Mildred Pearce, the 1945 film and the 2011 miniseries, The Strange Love of Molly Louvain (1932), The Strange Case of Clara Deane (1932), The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (2023) and The List of Adrian Messenger (1963).

Surnames in titles… Withnail and I (1987), The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989), The Amazing Mr. X (1948) and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1962).

First names… Harry In Your Pocket (1973), Dirty Harry (1971), Frankie and Johnny (1991), Maude’s Naughty Little Brother; Or, Wouldn’t It Jar You, Wouldn’t It Jar You (1900), The Mask of Zorro (1998), Gregory’s Girl (1981), Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), Annie (1982), Beowulf & Grendel (2005), Ophelia (2018), Amadeus (1984), Harry & Son (1984), Melvin and Howard (1980) and The World According to Garp (1982).

I have commented on all these reviews, so please writers tell me if your comments aren’t showing please check your spam too. Rebecca will justify she’s been having some problems with things going to spam – but you will be happy to know that they seemed to be ironed out yesterday with her happily telling me of 5 posts in her inbox. YAY.

Finally, I’d like to thank my co-host for joining me and am asking her and you to be extra vigilant next month. I hope to announce my solo blogathon this year then with a topic that hasn’t been done before… and…. (to be continued).

Now for the final posts… (with 1 to come so keep tuning in)…

Kayla at Whimsically Classic kicks off the final day with Alice Adams (1935)…


Quiggy at The Midnite Drive-In adds the intriguingly titled Bela Lugosi Meets A Brooklyn Gorilla (1952)…


Rachel at Hamlette‘s Soliloquy shares her thoughts on Ophelia (2018)…


Sally at 18, Cinema Lane adds a music themed biopic with Amadeus (1984) as she compares her thoughts to the critics…


and Eric at Diary of A Movie Maniac adds Robin Williams in his post about The World According to Garp (1982)…


Daffny at A Vintage Nerd goes back to the 1970s for her review of the Raquel Welch movie, Myra Breckinridge (1970)…


Eddie at Film Authority adds Clint Eastwood as the titular Dirty Harry (1971)…


And keep tuning in as Crystal at In The Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood’s post The Legend Of Lizzie Borden (1975) post is going to be published today…

Remember to tune in for Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3...

Finally… That’s the movie, Weekend at Bernie’s (1989) as the featured picture today with the titular Bernie (Terry Kiser) waving goodbye – and Larry (Andrew McCarthy) pulling the strings… (and if you don’t understand the why of Andrew’s actions, check out this dark comedy movie)… as I say so long, farewell to the blogathon.


11 thoughts on “NEWS… Recap and Headlining Names in the It’s In the Name of the Title Blogathon

  1. hey Gill,

    Just went through six piece on this blog; WordPress gives me nightmares, because althoigh I typed sic comments on the reviewes, I think only two went through. Not a complaint about you, or the writing, which is excellent, but it’s so annoying reading a piece, typing a response, then seeing the comment bar break into pixels and do nothing…

    Liked by 1 person

    • That does seem weird, have you been getting pages of spam too?? I had over 175 spam entries – mainly from the same ip address – after I took a 2 hour break from the computer… all for my Fallen Leaves review too.


    • Wow, that’s a crazy amount of spam, can’t think why that would be I tend to get solo maniacs keen to discuss Gaza in the light of Biblical prophecies, a bit much on a Garfield review…

      I’m logged onto wordpress, and some reviews I can like, but can’t comment on, and some ask me to comment via google. I guess bloggers are using different kinds of platforms, and I’m totally aware that the comments section on my own blog deters all but the most hardy wordpressers, but it’s such a shame there’s so little compatability between blogs. I’ll work my though the pieces, and see which other ones work for me, but so annoying taking the time to read, then write a comment, and then find it vanishes…

      Liked by 1 person

    • I spotted it on your post for yesterday. Good you checked your emails and got those posts from Eric, Daffny and Quiggy. I was hoping the messages with these would come through ok in good time for your post without any hiccups! Hope things run smoother for your other blogathons.


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