FILMS… Pfeiffer Pfilms and Meg Movies’ Joe vs The Volcano (1990) Guest Post

#1990s #AllPosts


Welcoming Paul S with Meg Ryan in the first of her collaborations with Tom Hanks…


Paul S from Pfeiffer Pfilms and Meg Movies tells you more about Joe vs The Volcano (1990).




One of my favourite bloggers now joins Realweegiemidget Reviews with a guest post. Paul S from Pfeiffer Pfilms and Meg Movies is a passionate and creative writer. On his blog dedicated to –  in no particular order – Michelle Pfeiffer and Meg Ryan he celebrates these lovely lassies in both pictures and heartwarming reviews.

He has also joined many of my blogathons with his posts on Michelle Pfeiffer be it in my Marines one with Dangerous Minds (1995), Jeff Goldblum with Into the Night (1985), Kurt Russell in Tequila Sunrise (1988) and with Jack Nicholson in Wolf (1994).

If you want to read more of his posts, his blog is found HERE



A wee introduction to Pfeiffer Pfilms and Meg Movies in his own words…

Paul S is a blogger, film lover, a true blue Michelle Pfeiffer pfan, a Meg Ryan tragic from way back, a lapsed Manchester City fan, and a would-be novelist. He writes at Pfeiffer Pfilms and Meg Movies to take his mind off the misery of modern life.


Joe Versus The Volcano (1990)



Joe Versus the Volcano is a hard film to write about. Roger Ebert said it better than I could in his review—“my heart began to quicken until finally, I realized a wondrous thing: I had not seen this movie before… Most movies are constructed out of bits and pieces of other movies… But not Joe Versus the Volcano.”




The plot of JVtV is simple: After learning that he has a ‘brain cloud’ and only six months to live, Joe Banks (Tom Hanks) quits his job and accepts an offer to “live like a king, die like a man” instead of waiting for the inevitable. To fulfil his end of the deal Joe must jump into a volcano on the island of Waponi Woo in order to appease the volcano god, and save the islanders from certain destruction.




The journey to Joe’s date with destiny fully explores Meg Ryan’s remarkable range as she gets to play all of the women he meets along the way. From mousey co-worker DeDe to red-haired, L.A. flibbertigibbet Angelica and finally Patricia, Anjelica’s soul sick, half-sister, who Joe falls for on the voyage to the volcano.




Patricia doesn’t have DeDe’s ditziness nor Angelica’s faux-bohemian facade, and Meg doesn’t try to find a middle personality between them. It’s a difficult task, but Ryan, who is as enthralling as she is beautiful, has a field day, in one of those kismet actress-meets-role(s) performances. It’s some of her finest work.



Joe Versus the Volcano switches tones and visual cues often, but as with Groundhog Day, it balances its irony and sincerity with perfect precision. If you’ve ever been told “Meg Ryan can’t act” or wondered where the fabled Hanks/Ryan chemistry had its beginning; you really should watch this film.



A big thanks to Paul S for letting me republish his great post. Financial compensation was not received for this post. All opinions expressed here are his own. I would also like to add that Paul kindly agreed to me using pictures of his work in my blog. If you are involved in the entertainment or blogging industry and would like to be featured or promoted here, please drop a line to me via my Contact Me page.




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