TV… The Fall Guy (1981-86), Reluctant Travelling Companion, Se2 Ep6 

#1980s #AllPosts


Colt Seavers has been seen with Burton, he’s never been with an actor so fine…


Richard Burton guest stars as himself in an episode about that Hollywood stuntman and part time bounty hunter.


Classic TV Theme: The Fall Guy, David Gideon and photos © Fox 21 Television Studios


The lead in this TV series review is Lee Majors, an actor who appears in that Dallas 2012 (2012-14) reboot. I was told by a Lee Majors and Dallas obsessed fan that he appeared as an old flame to Sue Ellen Ewing in the second series. But no offence to Majors’ character but I’d like to think she said JR Ewing (Larry Hagman), you ain’t. Anyway, this means that in theory, this review choice may count as yet another Dallas related post, but in practice, it doesn’t as I still haven’t watched it.

Anyway.. in choosing this review, choices pondered over included the 2-in-1 episode where Fantasy Island (1977-84) met The Love Boat (1977-87). Or writing on that bizarre double act of when Magnum (1980-88) teamed up with Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote (1984-96) which I promise one day…

TV appearances from favourite actors and actresses such as Ruth Gordon, William Shatner, Lee Grant, Rock Hudson and more were tempting me in the likes of Columbo (1971-2003), McMillan and Wife (1971-77) and more.

After recalling a fabulous post for my blogathon on a certain Oscar-nominated Welsh actor, I finally signed up for something completely different. Which the eagle-eyed of you probably got from reading the title of this TV tribute.

This particular episode of this 80s action-adventure series was chosen due to a certain nominated surprising appearance. Cue drum roll. I now present.. tada tadaaa, an episode of The Fall Guy (1981-86) named Reluctant Traveling Companion (S2 Ep6).

This episode boasts of the special guest star appearance of one, seven times nominated for an Academy Award, one-time Realweegiemidget blogathon tributed, Richard Burton. Yes, you did read this right and thanks to K. Sturton of A Scunner Darkly for inspiring me in my quest. This Burton role makes it clearly essential not to be missed viewing! Need I say more…

The Fall Guy was a compulsive watch for my family in the 1980s. The TV show tells of Colt Seavers – played by heartthrob to many – Lee Majors as the rugged movie stuntman with a twist. As in between movie and TV gigs Seaver moonlights as a bounty hunter (as you do).

He’s aided by two sidekicks in both his work and sideline. For starters, there’s his (usually comic relief read inept and annoying) cousin and manager, Howie (Douglas Barr). Howie would no doubt probably have been up for murder in residing in prison had this been a Murder She Wrote crossover. But sadly this was not to be.

But in his defence, the salary budget of this show must have gone mainly to entice Burton. As it’s seen Majors co-stars get only about 2 scenes and ten lines between them in this episode. Seavers’ buddies also include your (token) 1980s leggy pretty blonde assistant (aka totty for your dad), Jody (Heather Thomas) who appears in the credits in her swimwear.

The series lasted a total of 5 seasons, with blink and miss it movie footage in the credits. The sources of these excerpts are now I’m sure more obvious with age and (much) more movie-watching. Unless of course, you watch it again – and again – simply to reignite your first crush on Lee Majors (you know who you are).

These movie shots were combined with guest stars and cameos as diverse as James Coburn, Doug McClure, Dana Hill, David Hedison, Erin Gray and Tab Hunter. These stars along with Dallas stars Morgan Brittany, Mary Crosby and Monte Markham make it now essential Realweegiemidget retro rewatch telly viewing.

It won’t be a surprise to anyone, that allegedly Dwayne Johnson – aka The Rock – was believed to be looking into a lead role in a film remake of this series. Or that the show won an award for Best Aerial Stunt (Television) in a Stuntman Award ceremony.

The episodes in the first series started of course with that spiel from Majors outlining mansplaining the premise of the show (in a rather long-winded monologue) and then Majors singing that familiar theme song, The Ballad Of The Unknown Stuntman. Thankfully, this monologue was cut as the series continued…

On a side note.. after hearing this theme song years later, I finally got the Farrah (Fawcett) lyrical reference. Farrah Fawcett back then was the former Mrs Lee Majors (the pair was in the midst of divorcing when the pilot was made). This ditty also adds then leading ladies such as Sally Field and Raquel Welch to those immortal lines.

This song is a musical tribute to movie and TV stars of this time, making it another reason I don’t want Dwayne Johnson to remake it. As no doubt, those reboots will totally rehash these lyrics to an “up to date version” and (probably) add a cameo from Majors in the movie.

IMDb highlights this particular episode I’m reviewing as one of the most highly rated episodes of the whole series. It certainly sold it to me, to revisit this episode after learning of Burton’s appearance. It was lovely to hear his unmistakable Welsh dulcet tones and watch Burton. This was in his gravitas crossed with tongue in cheek performance.

This is alternately compelling viewing and at times a totally silly, contrived but fun episode. It was however tinged with sadness as this was one of Burton’s last performances on the wee screen. After the initial opening music – which sounded like the late 1970s disco instrumental track – the episode switches to a full-tilt bad guy dramatic tune as a dastardly banker dispatches a couple of his henchmen on an assignment. These are played by a trio of actors I didn’t know but kinda recognised.

Their mission is to track down and kill Christine Smith (Lady Margaret Humes) – an (obviously attractive) young lady – who has been embezzling funds from them. This woman is currently in the custody of the Philadelphia cops for this deed. She says she only did this to recover her father’s money.

However, she discovers about the bank’s illegal and shady doings in the process. Christine is to be taken from Philadelphia to LA by an unknown Private Investigator or a legal warrant bearer. With the head honcho bad guy briefing those bad guys to kill her and also her escort if necessary…

Cue the first appearances from our favourite Bounty Hunter (and stuntman) and his buddies. Colt (Lee Majors) is showing us how not to land on a truck as he practices this stunt at his day job. This is in a natty bit of stunt foreshadowing that took place in many an episode. He’s unable to do this and it doesn’t come with a don’t try this at home safety warning.

He’s then grudgingly recruited to escort Christine back to LA as boss Terri (Markie Post) asks for his help. He only decides on the gig as a. Christine’s hot and b. there’s a 5000 dollars payment. He turns down Jodie and Howie’s requests to help him.

Seavers collects the young lady concerned from the police station. She’s not a happy bunny and there is the almost inevitable clash but obvious (and obligatory) romantic chemistry between her and Seavers.

The pair then catch a train – as she claims she’s afraid of flying – and a three day journey before them in one wee carriage with just one bed. En route, they learn that those bad guys are in pursuit of Christine…

These men have also boarded the train (cue bad guy dramatic music). They appear to be the only people on board. Along with our special guest star in the carriage next to this pair are the actor, Richard Burton and the train worker making 6 people on the train.

Burton is the reluctant travelling companion mentioned. He’s on his way to making a movie (as he does). Burton apparently worked with – the fictional – Seavers back in the day on The Desert Rats. Bearing in mind this film did star Burton but was made in 1953 and when Majors was only 14 this idea is kinda crazy.

Anyway, Burton tells the train attendant he does not want to be disturbed during the journey as he has a script to work on. This storyline leads to comedy gold (for some) as he puts up with some screaming from Christine who tries to escape from Seavers’ clutches.

Seavers meanwhile also goes full-tilt gushing, humble and sucks up to the Welsh acting one on meeting him. For the benefit of the viewers, his character’s disbelief in meeting Burton is shown to the limit. He mentions this actor by name more often than I mention Dallas in this particular review.

Seavers makes out he’s working on a movie to cover up for the random screams and shouts for help from Christine. This is also with the aim to impress Burton, who he hopes will give him a job. He even uses this white lie to explain why he drops the bad guy over the side of a train to his death after Burton witnesses this happen from his carriage. Burton believes him…

The plot chugs along with some stock footage of the train. This is interspersed with a great comically well-timed performance from Burton and Majors. Burton sends himself up brilliantly with his ability to add his gravitas and his presence to the more dramatic lines.

Or with a glint in his eye to some great amusing one-liners. His comic timing in his performance is seen throughout this episode, he seems much more a fun sidekick for Seavers than Barr. The two actors show a great double act and easy rapport in the script delivery and teamwork in their action scenes together.

Meanwhile (of course), Christine falls for our favourite stuntman crossed with a bounty hunter. This is possible in the case of Stockholm Syndrome which sets in inevitably just as you thought it would. So if you have nothing better to do, I urge you to check out this early 1980s TV role from Richard Burton with that unknown stuntman, who made Burton such a star.


Weeper Rating: 😦😦 😦 😦 😦 /10

Handsqueeze Rating: 🙂 🙂🙂 🙂 🙂10

Hulk Rating: ‎ ‎mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen /10


Sixth Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon, No 6, 2020

This post was added to A Shroud of Thoughts Sixth Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon. Other reviews with this cast include,


14 thoughts on “TV… The Fall Guy (1981-86), Reluctant Travelling Companion, Se2 Ep6 

  1. I remember my oldest sister watching the Fall Guy, but I never took a chance on it. It sounds entertaining, but I’m really not sure it’s my cup of tea. Great review though, Gill!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Fall Guy… a childhood favorite! Love Lee Majors! Grew up watching Six Million Dollar Man so I was happy to see Majors in another TV show. BTW, I never understood why Farrah Fawcett left cool Majors for jerk Ryan O’Neal… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Like you, I watched The Fall Guy regularly and, aside from Heath Barkley on The Big Valley, it is always Colt Seavers that comes to mind when I think of him. This is one of the most fun episodes of the show, particularly given we get to see Richard Burton playing himself. I remember when I first saw the episode being surprised that Richard Burton was even on The Fall Guy! What made it even better is that it looked like everyone, including Mr. Burton, had a lot of fun making the episode. Thank you for taking part in the blogathon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Delightful post, and I had forgotten about Lee’s pleasant country baritone and the song that name checked ex wife Farrah!
    I grew up with Lee as the Six Million Dollar Man, which we all watched as religiously as you did Fall Guy. And boy was he ever handsome as the brooding Heath on Big Valley.
    Was reading the recent Rock Hudson biography and was surprised to learn that it was Rock who discovered him, and that Lee and his first wife Kathy lived on Hudson’s estate as his guest as Lee first broke into showbiz.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What I remember about Fall Guy was its meta-showbiz attitude.
    Here’s my favorite example of that:
    I’m sure you all remember Richard Lynch, who villainized many primetime shows during this period.
    He made at least two Fall Guys in this capacity.
    But toward the end of the run, Richard Lynch made a third Fall Guy – playing himself.
    The episode opened with Colt in a poker game with some other luminaries, including (IIRC) Dionne Warwick.
    Lynch was another player at the table; he only had two lines of dialog:
    At the finish of one hand: “Well, that burns me!”
    At the finish of another hand: “It’s just not my night … “
    If you recall Lynch’s distinctive features (and how they got that way), the first line is self-explanatory.
    As to the second line … well, it was a cameo …
    Anyway, I got a kick out of it, so there too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I grew up watching Colt Seavers, the unknown stuntman who made Eastwood look so fine. I must have missed this episode back then, although I’m sure I’d appreciate it more now, than I would have in my youth. Richard Burton in The Fall Guy? Who would have thought!

    Liked by 1 person

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