NEWS… Gittering about Guilty Pleasures

#2010s #AllPosts


Guilty Pleasures, everyone has them, just some of us admit to them…


What’s yours, ain’t necessarily mine… a wee guide to guilty pleasure movies.


Tom Hiddleston’s Guilty Pleasure – Film 2011 With Claudia Winkleman – BBC One, BBC

So in the next full-tilt gitter, going to waffle on about my perceived definition of movie and tv guilty pleasures and how I find it difficult to explain when labelling film or television in this genre. Guilty pleasure can be easy to explain in food terms as something that usually includes lots of calories and you eat lots of it in one go. Or on your own (probably) watching your favourite movie.

I for one love a coffee with whipped cream, eating coffee and walnut cake (coffee butter icing compulsory) watching back to back episodes of The Americans (2013-) or Dallas (1978-91). The more health conscious you might see having a small square of plain chocolate in their chilli con carne as their guilty pleasure…

When it comes to television or film though guilty pleasure is much more difficult to define, as food can be easily defined in calories or fat content. So how do you see a guilty pleasure in this medium? I’m sure I offended some avid fans with my guilty pleasure list so far, but then they may well have looked at my main features list and recognised some of theirs.

When I released a review about Grease 2 (1982), this a movie I would watch again and again and I found it to be a guilty pleasure.  And many of you with my feedback from my following on Twitter and other social media confirm this. Then after discussing a movie guilty pleasure list with a social media follower some of hers rang true and one was the main features post.

This concurred with a discussion I had with my Darlin Husband on The Sound of Music (1965). The Sound of Music is an excellent movie if you are a mum, musical aficionado or a wee romantic at heart. Or if you are none of these, however 9 times out of 10 you will switch off until the Nazis come or the credits roll. Unless you are a closet die-hard musical fan.

However, you may if you are built like a tree like Vin Diesel may have this film as a guilty pleasure. This may be due to you looking completely different to the normally perceived Julie Andrews fan, tell me could you see the man who played Groot dressed as a lonely goat-herder for the Sing-Along? No, I thought not. But then if you did the cynics would think Mrs Diesel coerced you into it or the press would have pictures of you all over the press saying what a sensitive kinda bloke you are…

I’m just saying guilty pleasure means different things to different people, and as seen in the above video everyone’s different. So please look through my guilty pleasures pages here, accept these are mine and enjoy them just as reviews…or add your views to the comments. And you can check these pages on and off to prove you are not alone. .. I might just review them for you. But on which page is yet to be seen…



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