TV… All Parts Great and Small, Remembering Robert Hardy

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Vetting my favourite role from Robert Hardy…


My memories of his role as Siegfried Farnon in All Creatures Great and Small in my tribute to Robert Hardy.


It was with sadness I learned that Robert Hardy, a much-loved character actor passed away recently. Hardy was cast as Winston Churchill in many different productions over the years from 1981 to 2015. He also made his presence in many titled roles as President, Lord, Major, Prince or as a Knight of the British Empire.

However, it was Robert Hardy’s TV role as the Senior Yorkshire vet, Siegfried Farnon that I will always remember him for. Siegfried Farnon was one of three Yorkshire vets in the BBC TV drama series All Creatures Great and Small (1978-90). All Creatures Great and Small were one of those essential British viewing TV shows for me, my parents and my wee sisters.

It even inspired my youngest sister to want to become a vet (and before you ask she’s now an artist). And I always remember a cast member’s revelation that many of the scenes were staged including props resembling the back-end of a cow filled with red fruit jelly and a baby animal. These props were used for scenes when the characters had to give a hand to the larger farm animals to give birth. A useless fact (until now) I learned from my early Saturday morning Children’s TV days with Noel Edmonds.

The show was based on the best-selling books by Herriot (a pseudonym), and these tales were partly based on his true-life experiences. These books were avidly read and reread with me imagining this particular trio of actors in their respective roles and had a distinctive cartoon on the front (in those editions I read back then).

The story tells of  James Herriot (Christopher Timothy) and his time working in a small Yorkshire veterinary practice in the 1930s with the Farnon brothers, Siegfried and Tristan. The elder brother, Siegfried was played by Hardy, with Peter Davison, a then future Doctor Who (1963-) – and another Doctor Who actor’s father-in-law (David Tennant) – playing his kid brother. It also had the lovely Carol Drinkwater playing Herriot’s wife but was later replaced by Lynda Bellingham, then a famous mother figure who was celebrated for her gravy in a series of TV ads.

Hardy’s All Creatures Great and Small character later had a love interest and married an old love, Caroline Fisher played by Annie Lambert – an actress who ironically starred in another Jackie Collins production, The Bitch (1979) with Hardy’s wee on-screen brother in Doctor Who. And more real born and bred Yorkshire actors than 1981’s An American Werewolf in London‘s Slaughtered Lamb pub.

Hardy was commended by the friends of the real life vet he portrayed with them reporting his accurate representation of this reportedly eccentric man. Hardy met this man during his time on the show. This acting attribute was also echoed by relatives of Winston Churchill for many of his numerous appearances in this role.

Be it from Agatha Christie’s Marple (2006) to his last performance as the British Prime Minister in Churchill: 100 Days That Saved Britain (2015). However, he won a BAFTA for his first portrayal of Winston Churchill in Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years.

However, Hardy was my favourite actor as Siegfried Farnon and was fantastic casting for this role. Be it him losing his temper about his brother’s ineptness in the practice and in life. Or as he gave support and advice to newcomer Herriot when tending to Mrs Pumphrey and her pet Pekinese, Tricky Woo’s medical needs.  

My favourite scene is however one where he believes his brother has phoned the surgery pretending to be a client. This was a common scenario between the on-screen brothers. Siegfried retaliated by giving mock advice until his brother is revealed not to be on the receiving end of his phone call. Although an almost predictable scene, the acting from Hardy leaves you spellbound and almost frightened of the outcome.

It was interesting to read that Hardy often contributed both to writing (and rewriting) scenes and wore his own clothes in a bid to create a believable character (and not wear too much tweed). His own dogs are also featured in the show as Siegfried’s dogs. And it was heart warming to read that Hardy also wrote many scenes specifically for the Farnon brothers. His on-screen brother Davison praised his support and influence stating he had learned much from his co-star.

So moving on to a more recent role from this actor,  many of you young ‘uns will recall his part as Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge in the Harry Potter films. But in the few times, I’ve seen Harry Potter movies, I hadn’t noticed Hardy mainly as I don’t really get into these movies. Despite the presence of Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith et al. But for more on this role and his other more historical ones, I recommend looking out for a review from one who looks back at more of these roles, and who’s just wild about Hardy.



2 thoughts on “TV… All Parts Great and Small, Remembering Robert Hardy

  1. This is one of my favourite series. I love Robert’s performance as Siegfried. This is a series that often has you laughing one minute, then crying the next. Great characters, stories and so many cute animals.

    Liked by 1 person

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