NEWS… Announcing the (Aaron) Spellingverse Blogathon Featuring Special Guest Star, Morgan Brittany



It’s with great pleasure that I add the 14 time Award Winning, multi-talented and much loved Aaron Spelling to my blogathon tributes…


The many roles of Aaron Spelling are the perfect topic for the next Realweegiemidget blogathon, and for what I hope is an enthralling examination of his career from you lovely lot of writers.



Just recently, I noticed that I haven’t had a solo blogathon since my Wilhelm Scream Blogathon which was way back in March 2022! So I am rectifying this now with this upcoming blogathon. But keep tuning in for one that I am (possibly) announcing later this year but planning for next year’s blogathon lineup.

After discussing blogathon ideas and topics with my Darlin Husband, he suggested a plethora of sterling choices. So after much joint deliberation of his many suggestions, he believed this was the perfect topic to fit in with this blog. This he argued was because not only I have reviewed much of this producer and executive producer’s retro work on TV, but because his filmography is a regular fixture for our movie nights.

We watch and enjoy – and in some cases love – this man legend’s filmography… These TV Shows include Hart to Hart (1979-84), Starsky and Hutch (1975-79) and The Love Boat (1977-87). Not forgetting – of course – those prime time soaps Dynasty (1981-89) and The Colbys (1985-87). So I am now officially announcing an Aaron Spelling themed blogathon… and named – also credit to Darlin Husband – The (Aaron) Spellingverse Blogathon… which will be run this coming August.

After thinking more about Aaron Spelling’s legacy, I recalled that my recent interviewee – with the much in demand, Part 2 of her interview coming next week, part 1 is HERE – Morgan Brittany had worked with him on several projects. Morgan was not only one of his regular guest stars in his series and starred in a TV Movie produced by Spelling, but she had also taken the lead role in an Aaron Spelling one-series wonder.

I tentatively reached out to this Dallas (1978-91) actress again, and she replied with this sterling introduction to this TV Mogul and his work.

“I first worked with Aaron on the original “Burke’s Law” TV show in the 1960’s. He always remembered me and when I became an adult he kept me working all of the time! I did an ABC series for him called “Glitter”, 7 episodes of “The Love Boat”, and also episodes of “Hotel”, “Fantasy Island” and the new “Burke’s Law”. He also hired me to star alongside Joan Collins in a TV movie western called “The Wild Women of Chastity Gulch”.

One thing I must say about Mr. Spelling: He was a class act and treated every one of his actors like stars. When you worked for Aaron you were always treated like royalty. He admired the stars of the past and made every effort to give them the respect and “star treatment” that they deserved. Everyone wanted to be on one of Aaron’s shows because it was like walking back into another era.

An era of grace, charm and glamour! We actors always had the best. The best and most beautiful costumes, the best hair and makeup, the gifts of thanks at the end of the show and just the little things that made you want to come back over and over again. I can’t think of a more generous and brilliant producer than Aaron Spelling. I doubt that anyone will ever top him!”

This anecdote, exclusively from Morgan Brittany regarding this television legend, is perfect in every way. Just a little about Aaron Spelling from yours truly…

IMDb credits him as an all round entertainer from the years 1953 to 2006.  Those of you who remember him as an actor may have seen him in small roles in films and TV. His first appearance was in 1953 in the film Vicki (1953). He also starred in TV series such as I Love Lucy (1955), Dragnet (1953-54) and Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955). (And if you plan to tribute him in this way, you have another 28 credits to choose from…)

As a writer, he wrote for 22 series, films and TV Movies. These include Wagon Train (1957-59) – where he also directed one episode – and Playhouse 90 (1958). As a producer and executive producer. Aaron has a massive 234 credits in total, including the films Soapdish (1991), Satisfaction (1988) and Charlie’s Angels (2000).

In these latter roles, Aaron Spelling also worked behind the scenes on many TV series such as Titans (2000-01), Life with Lucy (1986), Charlie’s Angels (1976-81) and Beverly Hills 90210 (1990-2000). He also pioneered series with multiple guest star roles, in series such as The Love Boat (1977-87), Fantasy Island (1977-84), Glitter (1984-85) and Hotel (1983-88). He was also in a producing role in TV Movies such as Dark Mansions (1986), The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976), Death Cruise (1974) and Home for the Holidays (1972).

In his career, he worked with a never ending acting list including Morgan Brittany, John Travolta Yvette Mimieux, Michael Caine, Helen Hayes, Olivia DeHavilland, Joan Fontaine, Joseph Cotten, David Birney, James Brolin, Herve Villechaise, Roddy McDowall, Joan Collins, Dirk Benedict, Maxwell Caulfield, Linda Evans, Sally Field, Carrie Fisher, David Hedison, Emma Samms, Heather Locklear, John Saxon, William Shatner, Patrick Duffy, Cheryl Ladd… and much, much more.

In this blogathon, I am honouring Aaron Spelling in all of his roles in entertainment. You can add posts on his time as an occasional actor or writer, or remember his much loved American TV Movies and Series. The blogathon will be held from the 19th to the 21st of August this year. If you are looking for content, his TV Series or TV Movies, YouTube and Dailymotion have a wide range of his work. And please read the rules carefully…


The rules…

  1. You can review ANY of his roles from the whole of his career from 1953 – 2006.
  2. This can be as an actor or as a producer, writer or executive producer in TV Movies, films, TV shows or episodes. Or if you want to review books or write more random topics about these topics, that’s okay with me too. But please check your topics with me first.
  3. I am allowing just 3 duplicates of the same Aaron Spelling TV Series. But these must be different episodes. You can only write on those episodes previously chosen if they are in a list or retrospective review. Please add the name of the episode and which season episode it is in your request.
  4. If you choose to review one of Aaron’s acting roles or his produced or executively produced movies or TV Movies –  NO duplicates are allowed.
  5. Please tell me what role Aaron Spelling took in your review choice, eg actor or producer.
  6. I am not allowing reviews of his cameo or uncredited appearances or those Aaron Spelling roles in biopics such as in Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure (2005).
  7. A maximum of two posts per person is allowed.
  8. Review choices can be added as a comment on this page or you can contact me on my Contact Me page  – please add the name and URL of your blog along with your choice of movie/book or TV choice only if you are new to my blogathons. Please do not send me your choices via my social media pages.
  9.  I won’t accept posts that are uncomplimentary or disrespectful in their content.
  10. A full list of blogs and review choices will be posted on a separate page and will be updated regularly.
  11. All post choices must be confirmed with me first or they won’t be added to the blogathon. It is not fair to others otherwise.
  12. If you have a different topic for the blogathon, please check this topic with me first.


My choice…

Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews… Dark Mansions (1986), TV Movie (executive producer)


Click on these links for more information…

Click HERE for Aaron’s IMDb page or HERE for his Wikipedia page. This is the only content allowed in the blogathon as it is attributed to this man.

The Who’s Doing What page is HERE. Please remember to check this page before you add your choice to avoid disappointment.


Please include a banner in your post…





And I will see you in August…

28 thoughts on “NEWS… Announcing the (Aaron) Spellingverse Blogathon Featuring Special Guest Star, Morgan Brittany

  1. Hey Gill,

    Does anyone have “Burke’s Law” yet? An overview rather than a specific episode, although if someone has the overview, I can do a specific one.


    Mitchell (It’s About TV!)

    Liked by 1 person

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